+90 (212) 485 31 66   |   Email: info@onurdokum.com


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We realize the ideas you want to be produced for the iron or chrome steel spacer models materials upon the demands of our customers. Onur Casting Decoration has been manufacturing and applying iron casting and assembly since 1959. We produce spacer models from materials of the size and diameter desired by our customers and implement them.

Casting the spacer models Decoration of Honor, established in 1959, is the leading accessory model of Turkey has managed to become one of the manufacturers. Our company acts spacer models in Turkey with nearly 60 years of experience in the industry and outstanding customer needs and expectations in many countries with the best way to meet the target. Our team of experts in spacer models is always at your service. As Onur Döküm Decoration company, our principle is to reach the consumer with the highest quality and the most economical, fastest product and service.

In our workshop, we continue all our services without compromising the quality policy in the process until the production and assembly of multiple spacer models, which we can say almost countless. You can contact us from the contact section of our page about the spacer models, you can contact us on any channel you want, and you can ask and find answers to all your questions. If you send us your questions, comments and suggestions about the spacer models, we can say that your opinions, questions, suggestions and requests will be taken into consideration and will be answered by our authorized customer representatives as soon as possible with an effort to satisfy our customers. Our expert team in various models will produce and apply the parts you always want in a way that you can make the most of them.

If you are looking for the best quality in spacer models at the most affordable price, we would like you to know that Onur Döküm decoration is at your service with the best quality at the best price from production to assembly. Both our company and our employees, we serve you with the latest technology by providing you with the best service, by continuing our work uninterruptedly, researching the constantly renewed technology. Believing that you can easily meet your needs and requests by finding the model you are looking for in our company, we would like to state that we are honored and proud to provide you with the best service.